Friday, April 13, 2007

Week of April 16 and 18

For Monday read the following chapters from the second reader:
From Writing Analytically: Writing the Researched Paper AND Finding and Citing Sources
From A Short Guide to Writing About Film: Researching the Movies

Monday we'll talk mostly about writing the final paper.
Monday night there will be a screening.

Wednesday we'll talk about the screening and the following article.
***You have to find it yourself as part of the assignment***(hint- it's indexed on JSTOR):
"Seeing With the Body: The Digital Image in Postphotography" by Mark Hansen, (originally published in Diacritics in 2001)

Your paper topics look great!

A little help for people going into things we have not read much about...
For people writing on games or online words these two books are helpful:
The Video Game Theory Reader by Mark J. P. Wolf
First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game by Noah Wardrip-Fruin

For the person writing on Camille Utterback here is a chapter on her from a recent book:

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