Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Jim Cambell Talk

Jim Campbell talk:

The Jim Campbell talk was… interesting. A small detail that I thought to be funny was he said, “I don’t really want to be here but, here it goes…”, priceless. He spoke about his shadow piece that was off to the left of his presentation. It was a box that had a Budda figurine in the center with some type of scripture that cannot be seen. He built a mechanism that has a sensor, when you approach the object the glass fogs up so nobody can see it. He began his slide show which showed pixels of different ranges that showed blurs of images such as a boxing match that you cannot make out but if you look at it for awhile you begin to see the image in motion. He also did the same thing with a man stumbling while walking down the street that was along the same idea but it was the pixels turning off and on making the outline and filling the image of the man. He seemed brilliant but not very enthusiastic.

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