Friday, April 20, 2007

Breakdown of Due Dates

4/22 Dance Performance at 2pm

4/23, Due in class: 2-3 page Final Paper Outline
Include the name of what you are working on in the title of the outline. Start with a short paragraph articulating your main argument. (A thesis paragraph.) List a CLAIM for each body paragraph; this is a topic sentence. Indicate the EVIDENCE or sources you will work with to support that claim (text, scene). Paraphrase your ANALYSIS of pertinent details of this evidence. Briefly suggest how your INTERPRETATION will link this analysis to your claim. (see handout) Cite the sources you are using at the end of the outline.

4/23 6pm Screening of your clips
You can show a SHORT clip from the film you are writing on: must be under 5 minutes!! If you are not writing on a film you can use my laptop (or yours) to access a website or show an image of a game or artwork.

4/25 and 4/30 In-Class Presentations
You will have five minutes to present your final project to the class. You will need to explain your argument in a general way; it is a task very similar to that of writing the introduction to your paper. We will be especially interested to hear how you will use Dlz/Vrlio/Sbchk/Hnsen; how the example you are working on relates to things from the class that we have all read or seen; and how its presentation of space and especially time fit in with the larger themes of the course. You will be able to use my laptop or yours to show images or slides but you are not required to do so. (If you want to use my laptop you will need to e-mail me a PowerPoint file titled with your name by 9am the morning of your presentation.) We’ll talk more about the presentations in class on 4/23.

4/30 6-8pm (screening time) ROUGH DRAFT due in two copies, Peer Edit
You will be partnered with another student to do a live peer-edit. You will read and discuss each other’s rough drafts, offering critique and advice. You’ll take home the copy that your partner read and wrote on, and we will keep the other copy. You can choose to show each other edits beyond this session if you find it helpful.

5/7 FINAL PAPER Due by 6pm in hard copy and by e-mail
One hard copy is due to Norman’s box in the Rhetoric office. The other copy is due by e-mail, as a Word.doc attachment, to Brooke at Please put “Final Paper” in the subject line of this e-mail so it will land in the right place. You will not get your final papers back, since we find that so many students never come pick them up. We will e-mail, to whatever e-mail address you have listed on BearFacts, your grade on the final paper and your grade for the cours, and probably a sentence of commentary. We will e-mail you more extensive feedback about your final paper only if you ask us to do so; please indicate this on the front of the hard copy you turn in AND in the body of the e-mail you send that has your final paper attached.

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