Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Office Hours 2/26-3/1 (brooke)

I've added more office hours. You can sign up by posting a comment (be sure that nobody has posted a comment for that time). Depending on what you want to talk about, bring your reading, your 10-on-1 and passages, any drafts of your midterm, etc. If you can't make the time you signed up for please let me know.

TUES 2/27 (at cafe strada, bancroft and college)
6:15 mara

WED 2/28 (Rhetoric Library, top floor in NW corner of Dwinelle Rm 7337)
12:30 leesha
12.45 olivia
1.15 anthony
1.30 robin
1:45 cathy
2 alina
2:15 chloe
2.30 spencer
2:45 johnny

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